Monday, June 4, 2012


Back on the 31st, I headed in to Yokohama - a relativly large city right to the north of Yokosuka. I had browsed some maps, but didn't have a real plan.

(Spoiler: this is going to be a short post, in anticipation of the next *huge* post where I write about my *awesome* trip to Hakone).

Nissan has a huge building, which includes a public walkway. I was heading from the train station / mall towards the pier, and it took me smack dab through their corporate headquarters, which includes live presentations on their new developments. When I got there, there was a woman talking about their new taxi.

Two pictures of amazing architecture. The first one is Landmark Tower.

I knew I was doing a good job exploring, when I found the world's only museum dedicated to Cupnoodles. Sadly, it was closed (or at least not admitting new visitors) - so I would have to return later. I don't think I'm that hardcore a Cupnoodles fan, though...

The Redbrick Warehouse was amazing looking from the outside... but lacking inside. Shops with stuff, and food. It all kinda reeked of location-based price inflation... so I didn't stay near as long as I thought.

Without planning it, I hit nearly every major sight in Yokohama, I believe. There was a massive Ferris wheel at an amusement park... and a ship... and then I hit China town. At that point, I'd walked five miles... and was tired. So I jumped a subway back to the train... and the train to work... and then walked back to the hotel.


  1. So... what's China Town like in Japan?

  2. Lots of restaurants and people selling nuts on the street... it wasn't particularly interesting to me. The gates were outstanding, though.

  3. Sounds like our China town here!
